Noblesville Schools selects 2022 Teachers of the Year

Noblesville Schools has named four educators as 2022 Teachers of the Year. The teachers were nominated by their principals and were selected for the honor by a committee of administrators.

Read more about the winners below.

Tara Kundert

Fifth-grade teacher

Noble Crossing Elementary

A quiet leader with an immense impact in her building, Kundert works successfully with students of all ability levels to create a strong, supportive learning environment. She provides instruction that is engaging and challenging, is an expert at building relationships, and uses student data to drive exceptional academic growth. Her energetic personality, high expectations, and support for colleagues inspire her students and overall school community.

Kundert is an elementary winner.

Kylie Moyers

Special Education teacher

White River Elementary

A forward-thinking teacher, Moyers leads a multi-age, self-contained classroom for students who need to build emotional regulation skills. She collaborates with families and multiple stakeholders to deliver high-quality intervention and academic services. Her innovative teaching has led to a student coffee cart service, a “move and soothe” station, and a redesigned classroom. She is known as a learner, a leader, and a safe space where students can always have a fresh start.

Moyers is an elementary winner.

Lori McGavic

Spanish teacher

Noblesville West Middle School

It’s impossible to enter McGavic’s classroom and not be inspired to learn. Her classroom library and upbeat attitude build strong relationships with students that lead to a love of learning Spanish. She collaborates with high school Spanish staff, cooks her class authentic Spanish cuisine, and is a well-respected lead teacher. Named the 2017 Indiana Languages Teacher of the Year, she is reflective, compassionate, and known among her colleagues as the “GOAT” (Greatest of All Time).

McGavic is the middle school winner and the overall district winner.

Laura Costa

Math teacher

Noblesville High School

Costa has a way of connecting with her math students that not only makes them believe they can learn, but shows them through their academic performance that they can succeed. She encourages students through individualized attention and seeks out areas where she is most needed. As chair of one of the largest academic departments in the district, she supports veteran teachers, mentors new educators, and is a role model among her peers.

Costa is the high school winner.

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The four educators were selected to represent different academic levels, with two teachers chosen at the elementary level to reflect the fact that 50 percent of Noblesville Schools teachers are in elementary schools.

This year’s middle school winner, Lori McGavic, was further distinguished as the overall district winner.

Selection focused on master teachers who excel at putting Noblesville Schools’ mission and vision into action and whose accomplishments align well with the Indiana Department of Education’s state Teacher of the Year criteria.

The winners regularly demonstrate the highest levels of quality instruction for their students and leadership among their peers. They will be honored at a Noblesville Schools Education Foundation recognition dinner this month.

As the overall district honoree, McGavic will also participate in the state Teacher of the Year competition.

Noblesville Schools employs approximately 700 teachers.