Noblesville Schools names 2020 Teachers of the Year

(Top row, from left) David Geiselhart, Penny Patterson and Valerie Phillips. (Bottom row) Jill Maynard. (Graphic provided by Noblesville Schools)


Noblesville Schools has named four educators as 2020 Teachers of the Year. The teachers were nominated by their principals and were selected for the honor by a committee of administrators.

The winners are as follows:

Jill Maynard

Resource Teacher

Noble Crossing Elementary

(Elementary winner and overall district winner)

Jill is exceptional at balancing relationships and education strategies to best support the most challenging and vulnerable learners. She is a leader in meeting the social emotional needs of her students and is known for thinking outside the box to enhance student growth. Jill’s ongoing passion for her own learning and her openness in asking great questions make her a role model among her peers. She frequently collaborates with therapists, doctors and families to best serve students, and is thoughtful, reflective, knowledgeable and dedicated.

Penny Patterson

Library Media Specialist

Hinkle Creek Elementary

(Elementary winner)

Penny is a highly respected veteran educator and STEM leader. Students love her and the programming she develops, including do-it-yourself makerspace, robotics club and family game night. She works side-by-side with classroom teachers providing them with support, leadership and inspiration. She can often be found representing her school on district collaboration teams, at community events and through her work with Relay for Life. Funny, driven and creative, Penny is always looking for new and better ways for students to learn.

David Geiselhart

Business Information Technology Teacher

Noblesville West Middle School

(Middle school winner)

David is one of the most well-liked and respected teachers in his building. His colleagues have voted him “Staff Member of the Month” numerous times thanks to the fact that he consistently goes above and beyond in all he does. His tireless work to meet the needs of students and his commitment to real-world college and career readiness have made him a go-to person for students and peers alike. A leader in the classroom, on professional committees, and in wellness and athletics, David is always focused on growing, improving and serving others.

Valerie Phillips

German Teacher

Noblesville High School

(High school winner)

Valerie is gifted at assessing the progress of her students and providing them the supports necessary to help them be most successful. She connects with her students on a personal level, challenging them in the classroom and creating an environment where they’re immersed in German culture. Co-Chair of the school improvement team and an integral member of the high school’s professional development committee, Valerie is constantly looking for ways to improve her teaching. She is a high-quality, energetic and well-respected teacher.

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The four educators were selected to represent different academic levels. One of this year’s elementary winners, Jill Maynard, was further distinguished as the overall district winner. Two teachers were chosen at the elementary level to reflect the fact that approximately 50% of Noblesville Schools teachers are at the elementary level.

Selection focused on master teachers who excel at putting Noblesville Schools’ mission and vision into action and whose accomplishments align well with the Indiana Department of Education’s state Teacher of the Year criteria. The winners regularly demonstrate the highest levels of quality instruction for their students and leadership among their peers.

The winners will be honored at a Noblesville Schools Education Foundation recognition dinner this fall.

As the overall district honoree, Maynard will also participate in the state Teacher of the Year competition.

Noblesville Schools employs approximately 700 teachers.