Noblesville Schools announced Thursday a new equity and inclusion coach position, naming former White River Elementary educator Shelley Bethel to the role.

“Like our instructional coaches who ‘coach’ teachers on best practices for classroom learning, this coach position will support teachers and staff across the district in growing our diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts,” Superintendent Dr. Beth Niedermeyer explained. “Shelley is a great choice to lead this effort for us as she’s already been actively involved in our DEI initiatives and is a well-respected educator with strong relationships across the district.”
Bethel brings 22 years of experience in education and has served in various DEI capacities for Noblesville Schools, including as a DEI team leader, school culture chair, DEI professional development planner, curriculum reviewer, Noblesville Diversity Coalition member and more.
She also holds a bachelor’s degree in Writing and African-American Studies from City College of New York, a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Troy State University (Georgia), and is in the process of pursuing a doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Phoenix.
“We’re a diverse school community and are actively working to ensure all students and staff feel supported, respected and valued,” Niedermeyer said. “While we’re not there yet, this new role will position us to continue our strong growth in this important area.”
Bethel will be responsible for collaborating across the district with school diversity teams, supporting DEI student leaders and groups, advancing DEI staff development, assisting with curriculum reviews, developing DEI-related data analysis and action plans, and supporting recruiting efforts.
You can read more about Noblesville Schools’ diversity commitment and accomplishments, as well as find resources for your own learning, at this link.