Noblesville Schools honors its four Teachers of the Year

(From left) Asheley Harris (second grade, Noble Crossing), Derek Ruble (eighth grade social studies, Noblesville East Middle School), Brandon Swart (social studies, Noblesville High School) and Jamie Harris (media specialist, North Elementary). Ruble was further distinguished as the overall district winner and will represent Noblesville Schools in the state Teacher of the Year competition. (Photo provided)

The Noblesville Schools 2018 Teachers of the Year were honored on May 15 by the Noblesville Schools Education Foundation with a celebration dinner at Mustard Seed Gardens. The event was presented by honoring sponsors AXA Advisors, Gaylor Electric and Church Church Hittle & Antrim, and table sponsors Ice Miller and Stifel.

In addition to recognizing the Teachers of the Year, Noblesville Schools 2018 retirees and staff with more than 20 years of service were also celebrated.

About the Noblesville Schools Education Foundation

The Noblesville Schools Education Foundation (NSEF) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to invest in academic excellence through recognition and financial support of Noblesville Schools educators and students. For more information and to support NSEF please visit