Noblesville Schools dedicates Hallmark Orthodontics Soccer Complex with new sign

(From left) Hallmark Owners Dr. Tasha Hall and Dr. Andrew Raber, NHS Athletic Director Leah Wooldridge, Noblesville Schools Superintendent Dr. Beth Niedermeyer and Noblesville Schools board president Carl Johnson. (Photo provided by Noblesville Schools)

Noblesville Schools announced on Friday the dedication of the Hallmark Orthodontics Soccer Complex, home of Noblesville Millers soccer, with a ribbon cutting and unveiling of a new sign.

Hallmark Orthodontics purchased the naming rights to the existing Cumberland Road soccer facility at White River Elementary in a deal valued at $23,500 over three years.

“At Hallmark Orthodontics, we believe in the power of community,” said Dr. Tasha Hall, co-owner of Hallmark Orthodontics. “We hope to not only impact our patients’ smiles, but also the community in which we live, learn and play. During these strange times in which we find ourselves, we hope to be a sign of support and evidence of people supporting people. A new soccer complex name, a new school year with many new changes, and a chance to give back to a cause that matters – our community! On behalf of myself, Dr. Andrew Raber and the entire team at Hallmark Orthodontics, I want to thank the Noblesville community for the opportunity to demonstrate our appreciation for you.”

“We’re excited to announce this new name for our soccer complex and are thankful to Hallmark Orthodontics for their strong partnership and commitment to Noblesville Schools,” added Marnie Cooke, Noblesville Schools director of marketing and communications. “These dollars provide a meaningful impact directly in support of our students and their academic and athletic opportunities.”

Noblesville girls soccer is currently ranked No. 1 in the state after its 2019 state championship win and boys soccer is ranked No. 3 in the state following its 2019 regional title and semi-state runner up.

Noblesville Schools offers several philanthropic and promotional opportunities across a variety of price points in support of athletics, academics, performing arts and more. Organizations interested in partnering with Noblesville Schools can contact Adriann Young at or call (317) 773-3171 for additional information.