Noblesville Schools announces 2018 Teachers of the Year

Noblesville Schools has named four educators as 2018 Teachers of the Year. The teachers were nominated by their principals and were then selected for the honor by a committee of administrators.

Asheley Harris

The winners are:

  • Asheley Harris, second grade teacher at Noble Crossing Elementary (elementary winner)
  • Jamie Harris, media specialist at North Elementary (elementary winner)
  • Derek Ruble, eighth grade social studies teacher at Noblesville East Middle School (middle school and overall district winner)
  • Brandon Swart, social studies teacher at Noblesville High School (high school winner)

The four educators were selected to represent different academic levels. This year’s middle school winner, Derek Ruble, was further distinguished as the overall district winner. Two teachers were chosen at the elementary level to reflect the fact that approximately 50 percent of Noblesville Schools teachers are at the elementary level.

Jamie Harris

Selection focused on master teachers who excel at putting Noblesville Schools’ mission and vision into action. The winners regularly demonstrate the highest levels of quality instruction for their students and leadership among their peers.

Some examples include:

  • Asheley Harris is known for her math expertise, mentorship of other teachers and her strong relationships with students and peers. Her students are actively engaged in setting their own learning goals and challenging themselves to reach her high expectations. She helped launch her school’s student council and Random Acts of Kindness movement, and she was recently invited to testify before Indiana state lawmakers regarding math specialist certification for elementary teachers.
  • Jamie Harris inspires students and fellow educators with her passion for learning. When she is not helping teachers with their academic data analysis, she is looking for “out of the box” ways to make learning more engaging. She launched a virtual field trip movement at her school through the use of 3D viewers, created a community reading initiative and has supported district and state education initiatives.
  • Derek Ruble

    Derek Ruble embraces innovative “gamified” practices to make his classroom and curriculum more engaging, ultimately leading to deeper learning for his students. He is a leader among his peers and continues to facilitate positive changes to the eighth grade social studies curriculum. He is actively involved in the student trip to Washington, D.C., coaching track, sponsoring a video game club and also launched a civics and debate organization at his school.

  • Brandon Swart chairs the Social Studies department at his school and also teaches as an adjunct instructor at the college level. He is a respected master teacher who continuously pushes his own learning to the next level through professional development and collaboration with other educators across the state. His students develop a deep understanding of concepts, focusing beyond the “what” into the “why,” and forming their own educated opinions through critical thinking.

Brandon Swart

The winners will be honored at a May 15 Noblesville Education Foundation recognition dinner held at Mustard Seed Gardens, as well as a school board meeting and district employee recognition breakfast.

As the overall district honoree, Ruble will also participate in the state Teacher of the Year competition.

Noblesville Schools employs approximately 650 teachers.