Noblesville readers question data behind Jensen “money trail”

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Dear Editor:

We strongly agree with the Letter to the Editor published on March 21, “Reader analyzes Chris Jensen’s money trail.”

These facts and monetary donations are exact from the candidate’s own financial reports.  However we need to try and understand WHY these outsiders want to control and obligate an individual that wants to be mayor of our city.

Past history and performance from the individual in question has indicated that he has VOTED FOR the building of an apartment complex in downtown Noblesville. He has supported the REMOVAL of the train from Noblesville. He supports removing the tracks and replacing them with a walking path.

The Noblesville Common Council has the final approval of all of these changes and this candidate has always voted to approve these changes. This is following along in the footsteps of the Mayor John Distlear.

Was Mayor Ditslear’s contribution of $10,000 to Jensen’s campaign a thank you for past performance or is it a request to further support the big business entities that want to build in our town?

All of these big contributions being made leave one to believe that we are now in a “pay to play” position and the taxpayers must foot the bill.

Roy and Marilyn Conner
