Noblesville reader wants answers on value of drag queen-themed children’s book in local libraries

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An open letter to the Library Board of Trustees:

I object in the strongest sense possible to the use of tax dollars to promote material such as the book referenced here. The Hips on The Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish is listed in the libraries’ catalogs in both the Noblesville and Fishers locations.

Recently a friend of the family sent a picture of the book validating its presence in the libraries. Would a member of the Board of Trustees please explain to me the purpose of and, if possible, the educational redeeming value of making this literary piece available to the children of Hamilton County?

Seriously, I am certain that hundreds of folks would love to know the answer. If there is a legitimate educational value, please tell us.

As an acid test, take a few minutes and read this book aloud during your next meeting or simply play this video. Then ask yourselves is this something you want your small children or grandchildren to check out?

I can justify the position of making certain material available to adults, but I am at a loss as to why this is so easily available for my grandchildren to check out. I do not understand the thinking behind making materials like this (and others) available to the youth of Hamilton County.

Add to the consideration the fact that our collective tax dollars purchased this material, paid for its availability, and now also promote an adult lifestyle choice to impressionable youth. Then consider that the material is offensive to taxpayers who find promoting an adult lifestyle choice to children does not align with their values and beliefs – in other words, public opinion.

This material is in line with the fundamental elements of SEL and in my opinion indoctrination, not education. I humbly ask that those in power minimally respect the wishes of parents that would find such materials inappropriate for small children and remove its availability for any child still in school.

As a longtime Noblesville resident, parent, grandparent and taxpayer, I find it inappropriate and call on the Board of Trustees to immediately review the materials made available to children through our tax dollars. I ask the Board of Trustees to lead as they have agreed to do and remove materials that are not in alignment with public views on protecting our children.

I recognize and applaud the sacrifices of your public service. I am thankful for your service. This is one of those topics where you can impact change and good for your community. Thank you for what you do. If you wish, I’m happy to attend the next board meeting to discuss the feelings of many on this topic.

Mark Hall


1 Comment on "Noblesville reader wants answers on value of drag queen-themed children’s book in local libraries"

  1. Bradford Reed | June 30, 2021 at 8:32 pm |

    The incideous infilitration of ‘educators’ throughout the nation must stop. Make no mistake, these efforts, like ‘CRT’, ‘equity’ NOT equality under the law is created abd financed by people and organizations whose sole goal is to eradicate traditional values, primarily by indoctrination of children. Frankly, it reminds me of of Hitler, Goerbels and the Hitler youth. Traditionalists need to counter with national efforts to make it far more difficult for these agendas to continue. If 3 out of 4 towns successfully rebuke this onslaught, 25% will still be affected.

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