Noblesville reader votes for O’Connor, Schwartz

Dear Editor:

The upcoming local elections are important because I am voting for individuals to represent me on a local level in ways that will impact my everyday life. I believe leadership experience combined with common sense, intelligence, integrity and the desire to represent ALL constituents are prerequisites to earning my vote for representation.

I bring this up because I want to ask you to consider these attributes at the polls. Ask yourself why the candidate is running for elected office. Do they care about your concerns or about their own? Who will listen to you and not talk at you? Who has been through tough negotiations and fought hard for your interests? Who knows how to get things done? Who remains calm during difficult discussions but remains resilient while decision-making? These are the questions I ask myself when choosing a candidate.

When I pondered these questions with regard to the candidates on the ballot in the Primary Election this May, the answers were obvious: Greg O’Connor for State Representative and Steve Schwartz for Hamilton County Council.

I have already cast my vote, and although I would never tell anyone who they should vote for, I felt compelled to share my thoughts and to ask that you seriously consider Greg O’Connor and Steve Schwartz in the Republican Primary Election on Tuesday, May 8. Honorable men of integrity … with a passion for public servanthood.

Judi Johnson
