Noblesville reader supports young Republican’s view on climate change

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Dear Editor:

Kenzie Binford, director of Young Republicans at IU, recently expressed support for Senator Mike Braun and his bipartisan legislation on addressing climate change.

Another older Republican, who claims to have credentials as a scientist, began to lecture her on her naivety on the subject in a letter to the editor published in the Reporter. The writer claimed that CO2 emissions have no part in global warming, that millions of tons of ice has been added to Antarctica in recent years and neglecting the fact that nearly twice as much has melted, while also claiming that rising sea levels are a complete hoax.

His commentary is just plain wrong and damaging to the Republican Party. Senator Braun wanted to have impute in this legislation to ensure that solutions to the problem are pragmatic and phased in to protect jobs of Americans who are currently employed in the energy sector.

Good job Senator. Keep up the good work, Kenzie. The Republican Party certainly needs more educated young women like you going forward. Thanks for your contributions to our party.

Tom Kenley

Noblesville Township Trustee