Noblesville reader ready for “fresh perspective” on school board

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Dear Editor:

I am writing to support a fresh perspective on leadership for the Noblesville School Board. Dawson, Hanley, and Helvey provide this fresh perspective with an eye on real conservative fiscal principles, actual transparency, and free thought accountable to the voters.

I have known each of these individuals for several years. I can honestly say I am not only familiar with these candidates but also with some of the victories Noblesville has experienced, as well as its challenges. Due to this and what I believe is misplaced credit from letters regarding the incumbent candidates, I feel compelled to speak up.

One great thing the incumbents did do, was hire Dr. Hile as superintendent. Under the leadership and skill of our CFO, Noblesville has improved its S&P rating twice. While this makes me thrilled that, as was mentioned at the Journalism department’s forum, “we’ll get a better interest rate in case we get another bond,” the incumbents have signed off on $90 million in bonds over the last four years. I don’t believe adding more debt and higher annual debt payments is fiscally responsible, especially when interest rates and the cost of living have continued to rise. Dawson, Hanley, and Helvey’s promise to voters to not rubber stamp any referendum or bond measure before seeing it and prioritizing our teachers and students is one strong reason to support these candidates.

Under Dr. Hile’s leadership, Forbes ranked Noblesville Schools as one of America’s best midsize employers. Dr. Hile also addressed social issues that inundated the schools in 2020 and 2021, creating a monthly newsletter, and increased transparency with the public that had been ignored before his arrival. Having seen the failures to address these issues before Dr. Hile’s arrival and knowing Dawson, Hanley, and Helvey’s commitment to transparency without political or spiritual bias is a key reason that will turn our good schools into great schools.

Finally, the incumbents have gained the support of the local teachers union and some of our teachers. Unfortunately, the union has failed to acknowledge that some teachers haven’t given their support to any candidate and still others support Dawson, Hanley, and Helvey. While having teacher support is important, it is also critical to have school board members who are independent thinkers who aren’t beholden to any one group or city official.

I have seen the importance of DHH places not only hearing all opinions on matters but also considering all of these opinions on how they can best represent the entirety of Noblesville. Seeing these things has earned my support for Dawson, Hanley, and Helvey for Noblesville School Board.

While we have a good school district here in Noblesville, and we can do even better. While our own mission and vision don’t state “Academic Excellence,” Noblesville schools have the potential to be better than our neighbors in every measurable category and truly be excellent.

Under fresh leadership that will work alongside Dr. Hile and the victories he has already gained for Noblesville; Dawson, Hanley, and Helvey can take us into a new and great chapter in Noblesville Schools History.

Tim Cortrecht
Parent to Noblesville students
8th generation Noblesville resident

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