Noblesville reader: Not surprising Rep. Spartz doesn’t support Democratic bills

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Dear Editor,

I read with some dismay the letter from Ms. King published May 15 attacking Representative Spartz’s Congressional voting record for not supporting the Nancy Pelosi-led leftist Democrat Congressional agenda in the House of Representatives.

I have no doubt that Representative Spartz would prefer a bipartisan approach to government. However, every one of the Democrat bills Ms. King mentions, with their virtuous-sounding legislative names, contained language and provisions Republicans will not support. Pelosi knows that, too; in my opinion she is a smart and ruthless politician. In news reports and interviews she and other Democrats have been openly contemptuous of Republicans and Republican support for Democrat legislation.

Ms. King’s criticism regarding the lack of bipartisanship in Congress should be directed at the Democrat majority, and I think most voters in Central Indiana know the truth. It is truly unfortunate as Democrats could easily find broad bipartisan support for parts of each of the noted bills. I believe those thousands of us who voted for Representative Spartz didn’t send her to this highly partisan Democrat-controlled Congress to “go along to get along” voting with the Democrats! I believe she went there to represent our values, and so far, she has represented our values well, in this voter’s opinion.

I also find today’s complaints rich, as I don’t recall one letter in this paper over four years of the Trump administration criticizing the Democrat politicians’ “Resistance” to ensure Trump wouldn’t get credit for any legislation. Bipartisanship is not a one-way street. Honest legislation is nuanced, requiring compromise, and shouldn’t be viewed as binary by voters or our politicians.

George Hodgson
