Noblesville reader finds today’s problems not that different from 1975’s

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Dear Editor:

In 1975, during my junior year at IU, I wrote the following in my journal. I am beyond grateful that I still think this way. My mother and father were my role models, always.

“If we really listen to what people say, we can acknowledge their deficits and move on. Some really do not know better, which they may or may not be, totally accountable for. There is an absolute correlation between children raised by biased or bigoted adults, growing up to be biased and bigoted adults. Sometimes, the bias may appear benign in nature, but all are indicators of privilege at some level. Privilege is not a bad thing if we truly set a level playing field to earn it. However, privilege is fleeting when the objectives are at the expense of others. In fact, not only is privilege fleeting when it hurts others, but the venom eventually destroys the privileged either in this world, or in the next.”

Bambi Steiner