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Dear Editor:
One of my favorite times of any year is around elections. For me, the news goes flat when it’s all over. I enjoy the research, discussions, and even canvassing door-to-door. So, I would like to share some information I have about the conservative Noblesville School Board candidates: Dave Dawson, Alison Hanley, and Brad Helvey.
My choice for School Board is based on three key tenets.
First, I want to see academics instead of politics in the classroom. This fosters more time on the actual subjects. It has been shown that time on subject makes all the difference in mastering a subject. We are told that too many students graduate today without the basic skills necessary to be successful in life. We need to do all we can to stop this trend.
Second, I want to see that the money given to the school board is being used more wisely. Another referendum for more money is not the answer. While doing my research I spoke with an elected official where I learned that the other side of the aisle is looking to initiate just such a referendum. Let us use what we have to better advantage. Although the Noblesville School District receives 47 percent of all our property taxes, our students rank the lowest of all the big four school districts. Note each school district’s percentage of property taxes allocated to them: HSE/Fishers – 10 percent; Carmel – 24 percent; Westfield – 26 percent; Noblesville – 47 percent. This tells me there is a big disconnect here.
Third, I want to see that parents, teachers, and students all feel free to be open and feel safe to express their opinions. I want parents to feel that they have a seat at the table and that they are the true principal authorities over their children’s lives and education, not uninformed bystanders. I want teachers on both sides of the aisle to be a part of the educational conversation. I want students to feel safe as well. As I was going door-to-door, I had a conversation with a conservative parent who tells her high schoolers to just keep their mouths shut during class, so their grades do not take a hit. What a travesty.
During a well-attended Meet and Greet with Dave Dawson, Alison Hanley, and Brad Helvey, I heard my three tenets affirmed.
So, if you are a fellow conservative, remember Dawson, Hanley, and Helvey (DHH) when you head to the polls to vote for Noblesville School Board candidates. Let’s get all three of them in office to affect the change we need.
Carrie Moe BSRN