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Dear Editor:
I am elated that Noblesville is getting another opportunity to make the right choice on May 7 by voting Mike Corbett for Mayor of Noblesville.
In the late 1980s to 1990s, I helped my former spouse build a successful, national, service business. Based in Carmel, the company grew to a multi-million dollar business that employed at least 50 and upwards of 300 employees during peak market conditions, none of which was done on the taxpayer’s back. I personally experienced that it is possible to achieve success, create jobs and spur local economic growth without using taxpayer money. Somewhere along the road, business owners and common council members have forgotten that where there is potential for great reward, there is risk.
The past few years, I’ve read about how Noblesville government grants many businesses multi-year tax incentive programs and other corporate welfare perks. Our government has taken on the responsibility of subsidizing private business venture risk using our tax dollars. The local headlines cite “economic growth” and new jobs; however, they never publish reports of how other businesses and citizens will lose future income to taxes because of another business’s current tax breaks and freebies. The fact that our schools have to routinely extract more and more money from our citizens seems to contradict that Noblesville is reaping the benefits of a growing economy.
The status quo will not change until Noblesville’s taxpayers wake up, pay attention and vote for change. Breaking the cycle and bringing about change often means voting against the candidate that is endorsed by local government employees, and for someone who is not part of the establishment and wants to represent YOU, the taxpayer!
I am voting for Mike because he is the citizen’s candidate. He is the only candidate who has repeatedly and publicly spoken out for Noblesville’s taxpayers, and against irresponsible corporate welfare activity. Mike has spoken out about other decisions that have been made, such as the train, which oppose the desires and best interests of a large number of our citizens. Noblesville needs a Mayor who wants everyone to succeed, not just favored businesses and contractors that will bring forth future political donations.
Mike seeks to remove the roadblocks that are preventing commercial development. He wants to attract companies that want to be good corporate citizens, provide full-time living wages and benefits to our citizens, and are anxious to give back to our community as they prosper and expand. Mike knows that as Noblesville’s Mayor, he must work hard to make sure our schools receive sufficient and regular tax funding by increasing the tax base. He knows our schools, educators, families with children, retirees and citizens on fixed income deserve this. Mike understands that retirees are great citizens who add diversity, wisdom, volunteerism and who financially support and subsidize our school corporation. With the median age of approximately 33 years in Noblesville, Mike knows we can’t afford to lose them.
While the other candidates seek to meet with citizens prior to the election to hear our issues, Mike Corbett has been meeting and corresponding with us for the past decade. Mike knows the issues Noblesville is facing and he is ready to serve our citizens.
The days of seeing less fortunate citizens work two or three part time, low paying jobs just to be able to survive needs to end. In a community as blessed as ours, we can do better. Some candidates promote workforce development as a goal for our city. The fact that eight out of 10 of my experienced and skilled adult family members that live in Noblesville have to commute to another city to earn a living wage, and that my husband with four years of experience as a Navy Machinery Repairman and 26 years of machining experience can’t seem to land an interview in Noblesville tells me that we have not made enough progress in creating good paying jobs, despite the fact that as a Noblesville business owner and taxpayer, I’ve paid hundreds of thousands in taxes to create them. The workforce is here, but we don’t have the jobs.
Raised and mentored by a father who was a great man, President and CEO of a large corporation and champion of employee development and community goodwill, I’ve been genetically blessed with an ability to see the big picture. I can see that Noblesville needs change. I hope Noblesville’s citizens open their eyes, do their homework and make the right choice on May 7 by voting for the citizen’s candidate – Mike Corbett for Mayor of Noblesville.
Annette Davis