Noblesville reader encourages community feedback on upcoming school superintendent hiring process

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Dear Editor:

The Noblesville school district will be hiring a new superintendent in the spring of 2022. The current school board consisting of five members has the sole responsibility to procure the next viable candidate.

Five people carry the entire weight for making a decision affecting the lives of students, parents, and taxpayers.

The initial phase in the hiring process may be for the school board to secure a superintendent search firm to recruit candidates that best match the needs of the district and desires of the board.

The superintendent search process also often includes a way for the community to provide feedback early on and the Noblesville board has already said members of the community will be able to share their input to determine the qualities needed in a new leader.

No matter what you heard or read, the most current I-STEP and I-LEARN failing proficiency scores in English and Math are a testament to the direction the school district is going.

We demand and require a superintendent that will implement administrative procedures that will be in the best interest of our children’s futures.

Email the Noblesville school board members with your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions.

Ronald Kiser
