Noblesville public has clearly spoken

Noblesville Schools releases superintendent search survey results

The Noblesville community was recently invited to share its input regarding the search for a new Noblesville Schools superintendent. Approximately 2,500 people provided input, including school staff, parents and Noblesville residents.

The top three priorities noted for the district were:

  1. Attracting high quality teachers
  2. Improving student achievement
  3. Improving effectiveness of teaching

The top personal characteristics the community wants to see in the next superintendent are:

  1. Good communicator
  2. Problem solver
  3. Trustworthy
  4. Approachable

The top professional skills the community wants to see in the next superintendent are:

  1. Ability to lead strategic planning
  2. Instructional leadership
  3. Ability to motivate others
  4. Human relations skills

There were 742 comments provided and they fell into four theme areas:

  1. Hard shoes to fill
  2. Not political
  3. Support various groups
  4. Specific political support

The survey was conducted by the University Search Team as part of its efforts supporting the Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees with the superintendent search.

Click here for more details on the survey results.