Noblesville Prayer Breakfast canceled over legal worries

Churches to stream services . . .

The Noblesville Prayer Breakfast scheduled for May 2 at White River Christian Church has been canceled.

In lieu of the traditional breakfast, many local churches have offered to stream a Facebook Live prayer service that morning. Once the event has been organized, social media will be used to share details of when and where to watch the service for those interested.

The prayer breakfast is held in conjunction with the National Day of Prayer. Following the 2018 Noblesville Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, the city turned the event organization over to Helping Hands of Noblesville after receiving outside pressure and potential litigation over separation of church and state – and those concerns have resurfaced.

8 Comments on "Noblesville Prayer Breakfast canceled over legal worries"

  1. Robert BILL | April 24, 2019 at 8:08 am |

    Fear of a lawsuite. Hold the event and if they sue they sue its time we fight back we are a Christian Country. We cannot live in fear of minorities and what they might do.

  2. Pastor Mark Fidler | April 24, 2019 at 12:58 pm |

    It’s time that we the Christian Community started to stand our ground for our right to freely assemble and exercise our faith beliefs. There is no such thing as separation of Church and State. Why do we keep letting a small group of activists dictate what we can and cannot do? It is time to defend our God and our Country and do it all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord!

  3. No matter how much you wish it so we are not a Cristian Country.

  4. Westin Williamson | April 25, 2019 at 5:30 am |

    Separation of church and state absolutely exsist! I don’t adhere to any belief similar to you “Pastor” Mark. Religion has no place in what is supposed to be a secular government.

    • Debi Thompson | April 26, 2019 at 9:22 am |

      See how well you do WITHOUT God!! Good luck with that! YOU wouldn’t even exist without him! HE gave you life!

  5. Reverend Donald Pardo | April 25, 2019 at 6:47 pm |

    Pastor, your words are obviously meant to anger and divide. You even have a few boogie men in there for good measure. Is this what you endeavor to instil in your flock? If so, the look within for the answer to why there IS a constitutionally-mandated separation of church and state. WRCC and our mayor made the right decision and I applaud their wisdom.

  6. The United States Constitution does not state there is a separation of church and state. The first part of the First Amendment to the Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Therefore, it is more accurate to say that the Constitution promotes freedom of religion and prohibits the federal government from inhibiting its citizens’ ability to worship as they wish.

  7. Debi Thompson | April 26, 2019 at 9:19 am |

    Shameful! They think getting rid of God is the “smarter” choice???!!! They better fear God instead of man!! You ALWAYS win WITH God, the Father of Jesus ONLY!

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