Noblesville Police Det. Bunch retires after 25 years of service to department

Noblesville Police Chief John Mann (left) congratulates Detective John Bunch on his retirement after 25 years of service. (Photo provided)

On Wednesday, the Noblesville Police Department (NPD) said goodbye and happy retirement to Detective John Bunch.

Det. Bunch was a certified fraud examiner, financial crimes investigator, certified arson investigator, certified hostage negotiator, and veteran officer with over 25 years of experience in law enforcement. During his career, he has been involved in almost every type of investigation. He has been a member of the Secret Service Financial Crimes Task Force and has worked cases in counterfeiting, check and credit card fraud, card skimming, etc. He has collaborated in multi-jurisdictional investigations with local, state, and federal agencies and testified in numerous felony cases.

Detective Bunch has also given presentations to local banks, businesses, subdivisions, and elderly communities to help educate them about scams, new technology used by criminals, and protecting their identity. According to a statement by NPD, his skills and training will be irreplaceable.