Noblesville Police Department’s Michael Steffen earns state award

Patrolman Michael Steffen was nominated for his actions during the shooting at Noblesville West Middle School last May. (Photo provided)

The Noblesville Police Department would like to congratulate Patrolman Michael Steffen for being selected as the recipient of the Indiana Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) 2018 Police Officer of the Year award.

Steffen was presented the award on Wednesday in downtown Indianapolis during the IACP’s Mid-Winter Conference. Among those in attendance for the award ceremony were Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear, Noblesville School Corporation faculty members, Noblesville Police Chief Kevin Jowitt and members of the police department.

Steffen was nominated for the award as a result of his actions on May 25, 2018 during the active assailant incident at Noblesville West Middle School (NWMS). Steffen was the on-duty School Resource Officer (SRO) assigned to NWMS when the incident took place.

“Along with the heroic actions of a teacher, Patrolman Steffen’s immediate response, willingness to engage, and rapid and appropriate trauma care made a significant impact on the outcome of the incident,” said Jowitt.

Steffen has been with the Noblesville Police Department since August 2010 and is still assigned as the SRO at Noblesville West Middle School.