Noblesville plans to be revealed soon

Big things are about to be announced that could transform downtown Noblesville into a more attractive and accessible city center with long-awaited parking, housing and other amenities. Results of various studies and proposals will be revealed in coming days which, if implemented, would place the downtown area on equal footing with various other communities that ring Indianapolis.

City community relations director Robert Herrington said that on April 10 a plan devised by consultants to change the appearance of streets around the Courthouse Square will be presented in a 5 p.m. public meeting at City Hall.

Context, Inc. has drawn up a proposal that would change angle parking to parallel parking, create bike lanes and wider sidewalks. This plan by Context consultants also recognizes the need for additional parking before their streetscape plans can be implemented. Comments at the meeting from the public will be sought.

The Downtown Planning Committee, on which merchants and city officials are represented, has reviewed the plan. The committee has access to $500,000 which comes from trash pick-up fees now charged to city property owners.

Proposing to meet the parking need, several private real estate developers have shown interest in building one or more multi-use complexes that would include commercial space, apartments and public parking in a multi-level structure. Such development would be located either south of the Square between 8th and 9th streets, west of the Square on the so-called Armory lot, or at a site near 6th and Conner streets.

City officials have not identified these developers. But, it is known that some of their plans are similar to the type of mixed use developments built in downtown Carmel and other cities around the country.

In the meantime, the Noblesville Parking Task Force is proposing improvements to existing municipal parking lots where aging meters, landscaping and pavement are said to need updating. For this improvement, some of the $500,000 may be available.

At nearly the same time as all this, there are plans to reveal the use of the former Nickel Plate railroad right-of-way between Pleasant Street and the downtown area for a walking and bike trail that will eventually link the city center with the Midland Trail, an east-west pedestrian and bike greenway now under construction.

The Nickel Plate will continue to be an active rail line north of downtown where an excursion train is expected to be running by this summer, according to County Tourism Director Brenda Myers. The train will take passengers to Atlanta and back which officials hope will add to the popularity of Noblesville’s downtown as a tourist destination. Add to this a soon to be announced a “marketing plan” for downtown, and the public can expect a much different downtown assuming the Noblesville city administration approves and can coordinate the various proposals.

5 Comments on "Noblesville plans to be revealed soon"

  1. We have increased downtown activity for the last 25 years with our EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT CRUSIE IN. This brings CROWDS, FAMILIES $$$$$ to downtown on Saturday nights.. The parking plan would be the WORST thing to happen to Downtown Noblesville…. Dave Shank.. Central Indiana Vintage Vehicles

  2. So instead of giving residents a break on their trashfeed. Their going to blow their ill gotten funds.

  3. I’m betting downtown Noblesville residents do NOT want to struggle to navigate their downtown the way old Carmel residents now have to navigate their downtown. Old Town Carmel is lost, and in my opinion, not all for the better. The high rise buildings have obstructed the horizon and the congestion and traffic are awful. It’s unrecognizable. It breaks my heart to think that may be Noblesville’s future.

  4. Steve Clark | April 6, 2018 at 7:17 pm |

    I see the city is just pushing the trial even though the majority of the tax payers do not want it . I see that the Noblesville city leaders are just doing what ever the want no matter what the voters want . Looks like there will be some big changes con next election .

  5. Rick Althoff | April 10, 2018 at 3:29 pm |

    So 500k in trash fees will be going to developers in lieu of trash pick up, who would thought that’s what Ditsler had in mind.

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