Noblesville parent: A vote for Forgey supports excellence, progress & kindness

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Dear Editor:

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. I took a different career path, and while I may not be a teacher today, I know and respect many of them here in our community. My girls have been fortunate to learn from the best in the business during their time in this district.

The Noblesville Teachers’ Forum is endorsing Chuck Haberman and Dr. Joe Forgey for Noblesville School Board. So am I. And I hope you will, too.

I am honestly exhausted by the current rhetoric that seeks to find fault with our teachers and librarians who are working hard for our children. We have outstanding schools and libraries. We need to elect civil servants like Mr. Haberman and Dr. Forgey who will support our administrators, teachers, and school staffers to continue pursuing excellence. Other candidates seek to criticize and tear them down.

In 2018-19, I proudly participated in Miller Ambassadors, a yearlong program that takes citizens behind the scenes of our school system. During that time and in the years since, I have learned about the statistics and honors proving that we have an A-rated district as determined by the Indiana Department of Education. Despite false claims that are circulating, we continue to score in the top 10 percent in the state on ILEARN, as only one metric of our success.

The Noblesville School Board election on Nov. 8 is far more important than most people realize. We get only two votes to cast among five people running. Please learn the facts behind what our school board candidates represent and who is really driving and funding their campaigns.

In the case of Chuck Haberman and Dr. Joe Forgey, they are authentic, locally supported, grassroots leaders. These two respected and successful gentlemen are, without a doubt in my mind, our best choices.

Because Chuck Haberman is a newer name on the ballot, I want to share examples from his record of excellence. He attended Purdue for his undergraduate work and Penn State for an advanced degree in Organization Development and Change. Prior to that, he served eight years in the U.S. Marine Corps as a Squad Leader and Engineer and earned a range of honors, including multiple Certificates of Commendation. Chuck has traveled the world, even teaching English to Kindergarteners in Japan. He currently serves as the City of Noblesville’s Assistant Director of Economic Development. He is a proud graduate of the Hamilton County Leadership Academy and Miller Ambassadors; a featured speaker and panelist around town; a past coach for the Special Olympics; and a dedicated husband and father to two Noblesville children. These experiences show Chuck’s readiness to join Dr. Forgey as a school board member.

As a parent and a taxpayer, I care deeply about who is making the decisions that impact our students, our teachers, and our community at large. We cannot take our schools in the wrong direction, and that is where I believe other candidates on the ballot want to go. Please vote for Chuck Haberman and Joe Forgey for Noblesville School Board. When you do, you will be voting for continued excellence, progress, and true caring and kindness.

Michelle Payne
Concerned Noblesville parent