Noblesville opens cooling station at Forest Park Inn

With the forecast showing sustained heat and humidity the rest of this week, the City of Noblesville has opened Forest Park Inn as a temporary cooling center, an air-conditioned facility where residents can go to prevent prolonged exposure to the elements.

“Heat illnesses should not be taken lightly. You have to keep an eye on yourself when your body overheats and drink plenty of water,” Mayor Chris Jensen said. “The cooling center is intended as a safe place for individuals and families who experience heat-related illness or those that need a welcoming place to temporarily get out of the extreme heat and cool down.”

The goal of the cooling center is to provide a centralized location and safe refuge from the extreme weather. Forest Park Inn will be open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day through Friday, June 24 and provides air conditioning, restroom facilities, seating and bottled water. Trained city employees will also be on hand to assist members of the public.

As they do during severe weather, the NobleAct team will continue to monitor known, at-risk clientele for heat-related needs and work with local resources to meet those needs.

Throughout the heat wave, the city encourages residents to stay indoors, drink plenty of water, limit your exposure to direct sunlight, reduce strenuous activities and wear lightweight, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing.

“As simple as it sounds, staying hydrated and being inside with air-conditioning are the top protective factors against heat-related illness and death – particularly during a heat wave,” Jensen said. “If your home is not air-conditioned, we invite you to reduce your risk for heat-related illness by spending time in air-conditioned public facilities like the Forest Park Inn. During this week’s heat wave, I also ask that you be a good neighbor and frequently check on at-risk people living near you – such as the elderly and disabled or homebound people – and keep an eye on outside pets.”

For more information on heat-related warning signs and illness symptoms and hot weather tips, please visit