Noblesville officials open Little Chicago Road Trail

(Front row, from left) Noblesville Common Councilor Greg O’Connor, Mayor John Ditslear and Common Councilors Rick Taylor and Wil Hampton. (Back row, from left) Noblesville Engineering Department Assistant Director Jim Hellmann and City Engineer John Beery. (Photo provided)

City of Noblesville officials opened the recently-constructed Little Chicago Road Trail with a ribbon cutting on Tuesday, Oct. 31. Little Chicago Road Trail is an eight-foot-wide multi-use trail that runs from State Road 38 to the South Harbour Elderberry Entrance. The trail consists of 2,700 feet of new trail and the widening of 2,500 feet of existing four-foot sidewalk. The new trail connects to the city’s existing trail network and continues south along Hazel Dell Parkway to 146th Street.

“We are increasing Noblesville’s trail availability and connectivity, which accomplishes a goal of making the city more walkable,” said Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear. “Making trail connections means residents have more options and longer stretches of trails to be outdoors and active.”

Little Chicago Road is the first of five trail connector projects the city will complete this year. Other eight-foot wide trail projects under construction include:

  • 460 feet on 156th Street, east of Summer Road.
  • 405 feet on Cumberland Road, north of SMC Boulevard.
  • 425 feet on Greenfield Avenue, west of Summer Road.
  • Connecting a small gap on Stony Creek Trail, east of Regal Cinemas Noblesville 10.