Dear Editor:
The City of Noblesville is such a wonderfully diverse community with a rich history and progressive outlook for the future. As we move forward into 2020 and beyond, our elected city leaders need to be people who can see beyond the black and white of every issue and give more consideration to the more cloudy or gray areas.

As a Republican candidate seeking election to the Noblesville Common Council At Large seat, I want to be the voice of reason on this 9-person legislative board. The City Council decides which laws or ordinances to govern our city by and how to spend local taxpayer dollars. Voting in the May 7 Hamilton County Primary Election will determine who leads our great city into the next decade.
In 2005, Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear named me “Visionary Man of the Year” for my efforts to preserve three historically significant homes and make way for a new City Hall. As a local entrepreneur and real estate developer, I approach every project as a “visionary man” who sees the big picture and works to collaborate on creative solutions.
New ideas for tackling city issues
Issues facing our city — from trails to rails to massive road improvements, along with promoting economic growth to attract new residents and businesses – require careful consideration as we strive to preserve the historic, small-town feel of Noblesville while also planning for future growth.
When the city outgrew its City Hall in the early 2000s and decided to build a more modern building, the Noblesville Preservation Alliance took issue with the city’s plans to tear down an old Carnegie Library building and three historic homes along 10th and Conner streets.
I suggested we preserve both the library architecture and the historically significant homes by moving those homes to new locations and incorporating the library architecture into the design of the new City Hall, which now includes the outside shell of the library on its exterior. I moved the houses to two nearby locations and made everybody happy.
I will tackle projects for the City of Noblesville with new ideas, other options and different alternatives to get the job done and provide the best outcome for all residents of Noblesville.
A third option for Rails to Trails?
While debate continues to rage and emotions run high over whether to remove the Nickel Plate Railroad tracks and replace them with a 9.2-mile pedestrian trail running from East 96th Street in Fishers to Pleasant Street in Noblesville, I believe a third option needs to be considered.
Despite being tangled up in several lawsuits filed against the project, the Fishers City Council approved a 2019 budget that includes a tax hike to fund the trail’s first phase and this week announced plans for a linear park with a teen center, boardwalk and recreational opportunities. Noblesville, on the other hand, did not include any plans or funding for its portion of the trail in its capital improvement plan for 2018-2023, called Noblesville Now.
While all of this gets sorted out, why don’t we harken back to the old days of Noblesville when residents rode trolleys to get to and fro? The city could operate the trolley to run along the Nickel Plate Railroad from Conner Prairie to Forest Park, with planned stops along the way, such as in our historic and happening downtown!
Elect a new voice to Noblesville City Council
I live, work and play in Noblesville, just like so many of you. With our population expected to double by 2025, I think we need to plan carefully for that growth by considering all options on the table. I try to look past the obstacles and find clear solutions that provide a win-win for everybody involved.
The decisions made by your city leaders affect your pocketbook, your home, your commute, and so much more. Learn more about those decisions and my view for our great city’s future at I look forward to a lively discussion!
Rocky Shanehsaz
Noblesville Common Council candidate