Dear Editor,
In light of Commissioner Steve Dillinger’s challenge during the State of the County address to avoid negative campaigning, I am sharing my commitment to run a positive and transparent campaign as well as a transparent and positive administration if elected.

I believe that Noblesville can be a model for a new way of campaigning and governing, one that listens to and actively seeks engagement from its citizens. During my 12 years of service on the Noblesville School Board, it was a hallmark of our work that we sought to connect with our community in a variety of ways – electronic newsletters, social media, public forums, coffee conversations – to ensure that our community understood what we were proposing and had input on the decisions that were made. I will use the same methods during my campaign and during my administration.
As an attorney, I am always conscious of avoiding conflicts of interest because I want to be clear of any appearance of bias or favoritism. I am not accepting contributions from those who do business with the city of Noblesville and am relying on my supporters, friends and family to fund my campaign. Any project or undertaking in the city should be based on its own merits and not on the basis of who made a political contribution.
I look forward to meeting the citizens of Noblesville on their doorsteps, at various public forums and around town during the next three months.
Best regards,
Julia Church Kozicki
Republican Candidate for Noblesville Mayor