Noblesville mayor unveils 2021 budget with no fiscal increase

Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen’s 2021 budget plans, which include no overall budget increase from this year, were presented to the Noblesville Common Council during a public work session Tuesday.

The proposed budget has four guiding principles: No increase in the overall city budget compared to Revised 2020 city budget, no citywide yearly salary increase, no health insurance premium increases for employees and no new city positions – except the four positions previously created to continue the implementation of the public safety priority, NobleAct.


“Given the changing economic standpoint, we need to maintain our optimism while being cautious with our budget,” Jensen said. “The goal is to maintain sufficient cash reserves, while continuing our ability to invest in the city’s future. This fiscal plan will set us up for success in the future while keeping appropriate dollars to invest back into our community.”

Jensen’s guiding principles for the 2021 Civil City Budget are predicated by the current fiscal environment and forecasted tax revenue decreases from COVID-19 economic disruption. Jensen said he remains committed to making smart investment in critical infrastructure, core services, and community projects that will facilitate recovery and growth in pursuit of policy pillars and goals.

In the spring, Jensen directed departments to identify expenditures that could be deferred or decreased so that more money could be reverted to the general fund at the end of the year. This direction will result in more than $1.3 million in reversions. The city has not had to make any employment cuts due to the fiscal impact of the ongoing pandemic and the proposed 2021 Civil City Budget is intended to maintain that record in the fiscal year to come.


“Noblesville is fortunate to have a healthy Rainy Day Fund and cash reserves, accumulated through many years of growth in assessed valuation and prudent management of public funds,” said Deputy Mayor Matt Light. “We believe that with a conservative budgeting strategy for 2021 and continued efforts to right size and realign, we can reach a position in the near future where we can make the bold investments in Noblesville’s future in ways we had envisioned before we faced a global pandemic.”

The proposed 2021 budget will be presented to the Noblesville Common Council at its next meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 15 for further discussion.