Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen given U.S. Global Leadership Coalition’s ‘Statesman Award’

Photo provided by City of Noblesville

Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen was presented with the Global Statesman Award by the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition at its annual Tribute Celebration Tuesday night.

“I am greatly honored to be included in this list of mayors and thank the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition for this recognition,” Jensen said. “Noblesville is home to many international companies and residents, and we will continue our work to make the city a safe, healthy and economically thriving community.”

Noblesville is a universally connected city maintaining a wide variety of global investments, which are important for the city’s economic development efforts. Those efforts include foreign markets for businesses and farmers to sell or export goods. The diverse citizenship in the Noblesville community is enhanced by the international businesses and manufacturers that have chosen to locate and grow in Noblesville.

This year’s USGLC Tribute Celebration was held virtually to bring together a nationwide audience of thousands of influential stakeholders from the business, non-profit, military, faith, and humanitarian communities, alongside leaders from Capitol Hill and Washington, D.C.

Jensen was part of a bipartisan group of U.S. mayors who believe that America’s global leadership starts at home and were honored with the Global Statesman Award. Four other mayors from Indiana cities were honored including Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Evansville, and Bloomington.

“As a member of our Indiana State Advisory Committee, we are grateful for your strong voice about the importance of America’s role in the world. Your actions as mayor have truly exemplified how leading globally matters locally,” the USGLC wrote in its letter to Jensen, notifying him of the award. “Now more than ever, what happens throughout the world has a powerful impact on the health, security, and economic interests of citizens in cities across the United States. Throughout your career in public service, you have been a critical voice in this story.”

In addition to the Global Statesman Awards, this year’s celebration honored Sen. Todd Young and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen for being steadfast champions of America’s global leadership who work across the aisle in support of strong and effective development, diplomacy, and global health programs, along with a special tribute to the legacy of Gen. Colin Powell.


USGLC is a broad-based, influential network of more than 500 businesses and non-profits; national security and foreign policy experts; and business, military, faith-based and civic leaders in all 50 states – all of whom support investments in diplomacy, development, and global health as key pillars of U.S. foreign and national security policy.