Noblesville Lions welcome Mayor Jensen, honors three members

(From left) Lion Mark Bachar, Lion 25D Governor Rocky Simpson, Lion Gene Beck, and Lion Steve Craig. (Photo provided by Noblesville Lions Club / Jake Doll)

Lion VP Hayden Parsons (left) and Mayor Chris Jensen. (Photo provided by Noblesville Lions Club / Jake Doll)

On Wednesday, the Noblesville Lions welcome Mayor Chris Jensen as speaker. Mayor Jensen gave a detailed account of the city’s activities this year. The major details focused around the construction work being accomplished and construction that is still to come in the future. The mayor pointed out that Noblesville is the ninth-largest city in Indiana with a population of 77,000 people. A total of 2,600 new jobs have been brought to Noblesville since 2020.

The club also honored three members for service anniversaries. Rocky Simpson, the current 25D Governor, was on hand for the well wishes. Those honored were Lions Mark Bachar for 25 years, Gene Beck for 40 years, and Steve Craig for 50 years.