Noblesville Lions take part in SERVE Noblesville

(Above left) Lion Jeff Kozicki working up a sweat. (Top right) Part of the mulching crew: Lions Steve Shaw, Julia Kozicki, and Jeff Kozicki. (Above right) The freshly-mulched Teter Farm Peace Garden. (Photos provided by Noblesville Lions Club)

Noblesville Lions Club members participated in SERVE Noblesville by mulching the Peace Garden at Teter Organic Farm and Retreat. The club worked from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, June 24. It’s yet another example of Lions serving in communities and elsewhere – join the club in a meeting at 6:30 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at Ginger’s Café, 1111 S. 10th St., Noblesville, and becoming a ‘serving’ partner.