Noblesville Lions induct new officers for 2023-24

Photo provided by Noblesville Lions Club

On Wednesday evening, the Noblesville Lions inducted new officers for the new Lion year. Helping with the induction was Scott Smith of the Indiana Lion Foundation.

The new officers are as follows: Walt Scheid, President; Jeff Kozicki, First Vice President; Kim Luckey, Second Vice President; Steve Shaw, Secretary; George Long, Treasurer; Tim Baker, Membership; Jake Doll, Marketing & Communications; Mark Bachar, Tail Twister; Jen Carr, Lion Tamer; John Grimes, Chaplain; and Julia Kozicki, LCIF Coordinator.

The Board of Directors includes Joe Arrowood (two years), Joe Connerley (one year), Gene Beck (one year), and Bob Minton (two years).