Steve Morgan, Dave Marsh (Stanley the Lion), Clayton Fleming, Bob Minton, Joe Arrowood and John Grimes.
The local Lions Club recently donated and passed out dictionaries to Hazel Dell third graders. This has been a yearly event for quite a few years for the Lions Club. These dictionaries also include U.S. history, the Constitution, Bill of Rights and information on our Presidents and States. Clayton Fleming has chaired this event for many years.
The Lions Club also donated $300 to Luke Reks and Luke Johnston’s project at Noblesville High School. These two students have embarked upon helping to build a school in Cape Coast, Ghana. Currently the Ghana children must walk long distances to go to school, if they go at all. The students have developed a friendship with a partner in Ghana for this project. Luke Johnston is planning on traveling to Ghana in January to assist in the building of the school.
Lions Club member Bob Minton passes out dictionaries to Hazel Dell Elementary students.
This project developed from the students becoming interested in a needy cause, and this became a project in their innovation class at Noblesville High School. This is the student’s first non-profit project. The student’s long-term goals are to build a non-profit organization that would be worldwide.
The Noblesville Lions were so impressed by these students, and what they are taking on that they felt a donation was needed. It fit into Lion’s goals of helping kids with needs, and also in the development of children as they learn. The students are looking for a total of $3,000 to build the school and pay for a teacher for one year. If you are interested in donating to these student’s cause, please contact them at the information below. They can also answer any other questions you might have.
Luke Reks — Lreksinnovate@gmail.com, 317-650-3246
Luke Johnston — LukeJohnston0808@gmail.com, 317-379-1949