Noblesville Lions Club inducts 2021-22 officers

(Seated, from left) Gary Hipes, Kim Luckey, Bill Lynch, Julia Kozicki, Jeff Kozicki, and John Grimes. (Standing, from left) Walt Scheid, Mark Bachar, Joe Arrowood, John Terhune, Jake Doll, and Steve Craig. Not pictured: Gordon Resler. (Photo provided)

At last week’s meeting, the Noblesville Lions Club inducted new officers for the coming 2021-22 year. Past District Governor Lion Dan Wilcox attended and inducted the new officers and chairmen.

President: Bill Lynch

First VP: Kim Luckey

Second VP: Gordon Resler

Secretary: Julia Kozicki

Treasurer: Jeff Kozicki

Membership: Steve Craig

Tail Twister: Mark Bachar

Lion Tamer: Walt Scheid

Mkt. Comm.: Jake Doll

Chaplain: John Grimes

Service Chair: Joe Arrowood

LCIF Coord.: Gary Hipes

Board of Directors: John Terhune, Joe Arrowood, Gary Hipes, and Gene Beck