Noblesville Lions Club gets updates from Mayor Jensen

Last Wednesday, Noblesville Lions Club President Julia Kozicki led the meeting activities. Mayor Chris Jensen visited the club and spoke about current city activities. The following are some of the highlights discussed by Mayor Jensen:

  • One interesting fact is that the population of Noblesville is now around 65,000.
  • The Levinson parking garage and apartments, now under construction, are due for completion around January 2021.
  • The Lofts on Tenth and the Village at Federal Hill will be similar to The Levinson in having apartments/townhomes, retail space and the needed additional parking.
  • Route 37 Construction update: The city is in discussions with INDOT to extend the roundabout construction a little further north on 37. No details yet.
  • New roundabouts on State Roads 32 and 38 on the west side are on a schedule to be completed in the next couple of years.
  • East/west traffic problems and the Pleasant Street construction was discussed. The city is in discussions with the federal government for funds to start the building of a bridge and connection to Hague Road on the west side of town. This project is several years away from its completion.
  • Any public safety issues take a priority of necessary decisions by the city.
  • The 2021 city budget will stay the same as the 2020 budget.
  • Workforce development is a priority for Noblesville. The city continues to look for companies to locate here with at least mid-level paying jobs.
  • The mayor did also comment he is trying to keep the city’s taxes low.