Lion Julia Kozicki receiving Melvin Jones Fellowship award from Scott Smith. (Photo provided by Noblesville Lions)
Last Wednesday evening at The Remnant in Arcadia, the Noblesville Lions Club celebrated the holidays with dinner and awards.
During dinner, the club was entertained by Morgan Dennhardt, a Hamilton Heights Elementary music teacher. For “Jingle Bells,” she asked for help ringing the bells. Lion Mark Bachar came to the rescue!
Lion Julia Kozicki was honored with the Melvin Jones Fellowship award by Council Chair Scott Smith. Kozicki is the club’s past President, current Secretary, and also First Vice President of Lion 25D District. She was approved by the club to be next year’s 25D President. She has provided outstanding leadership for the Noblesville Lions Club, and the 25D District since her four years of Lions membership.
The club also honored certain long-time Lion members with awards. Those honored were Steve Shaw (45 years), Bob Minton (55 years), Dale Unger (40 years), John Grimes (60 years), and Mark Roberts (30 years).

Lion Mark Bachar ringing the “Jingle Bells” for Morgan Dennhardt. (Photo provided by Noblesville Lions)