Noblesville grad encourages you to vote for ‘Coach Davis’

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Dear Editor:

I’m supporting Mike Davis for Noblesville Common Council. Mike (or Coach Davis as I called him) has been a part of our community for as long as I can remember. He was key in coaching me, not just in high school football, but in life.

Coach Davis taught me not only how to be a good football player, he also taught me how to be a great person. Mike is always the most positive guy in the room. No matter the challenge, he always finds the positive.

To this day, if I ever see Coach Davis, he is always giving me advice on how to be a better athlete and person in the community.

I have learned many life lessons in Noblesville and have many great memories. I know Mike can play an integral role in continuing to make Noblesville a successful city for all ages. The future looks bright for Noblesville. Let’s keep our focus on Noblesville and keep ‘Noblesville First’!

Vote with me on May 7 for Mike Davis for Noblesville Common Council.

Justin Ogle

Noblesville High School Graduate

Current student at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee