Noblesville GOP Club holds end of year event

(From left) Indiana State Senator Victoria Spartz, State Representative Kathy Richardson, Jack Russell and Noblesville Common Council President Chris Jensen. Spartz, Richardson and Jensen served as sponsors as sponsors of the Noblesville GOP Club End of Year event. Russell was appointed Noblesville GOP President earlier in the year. (Photo provided)

The Noblesville GOP Club met downtown last month for their end of the year event at Moonshot Gallery Downtown Noblesville. The event had over 50 people in attendance. The event was sponsored by Noblesville City Councilor Chris Jensen, State Representative Kathy Richardson and State Senator Victoria Spartz.

“It is exciting to see this group have so many people attend our first event headed into the new year! We look to grow this group and be involved in the Noblesville Community,” stated Jack Russell. Jack Russell was appointed the new Noblesville GOP President in October.

The group looks to host one event a quarter in 2018 with other community events added into their calendar. If you are interested in getting more information about the club you can email them at