Noblesville giving thousands in bonuses to city employees

Nearly 400 Noblesville city employees will receive bonuses as a result of a $6.2 million American Rescue Plan disbursement provided to the city by the federal government.

Police and firefighters will receive $2,000 each. Other city employees will receive $1,000.

City officials said police and firefighters are receiving a larger bonus, as compared to other employees, due to their risk of exposure to COVID-19 while performing their jobs.

In addition to bonuses, Noblesville will use $4.5 million to offset costs for storm water and drainage projects associated to the Pleasant Street bypass. The city will use an additional $800,000 to install sewers in Wayne Township.

Noblesville is the second local government agency to announce employee bonuses from the federal money. Hamilton County government recently gave each of its employees $3,000.