Noblesville girls lacrosse wins opener

New head coach Baylee Tobin chalked up her first victory with the Noblesville girls lacrosse team on Wednesday, as the Millers outlasted Bishop Chatard 11-10 in the overtime victory on the road.
The contest was a close match throughout the night, but the Millers were able to keep the ball on their end of the field during the three-minute overtime period, then scored the winning goal with seven seconds remaining in sudden victory on a wrap-around move and shot by senior Kylie Morris. Morris led the Millers offensively with five total goals for the evening on 4 of 8 shooting from the field.
Defensively, the Millers came up with the big plays at the end of regulation and overtime to keep the Trojans out of the net. Senior Erin Wilson led the Millers with seven ground balls and two key blocks, both coming in the overtime period. Senior Olivia Long contributed an interception at midfield to lead the game-winning offensive attack with only 45 seconds left in OT.
The Noblesville junior varsity team lost a tough match against the Trojans 7-6 in the first game of the night. Offensively, the Millers were led by sophomore Brooke Miller with three goals, three ground balls, and two forced turnovers. Defensively, junior Helen Tietz contributed three ground balls and one forced turnover.
The Millers are back in action Friday when they travel to Louisville to face Kentucky Country Day High School.  Noblesville’s home opener will be Thursday, March 21 against Hamilton Southeastern.  This game will also be televised live on Hamilton County TV.