Noblesville girls lacrosse starts season with two shutout victories

Noblesville freshman Chloe Barnett (5) is having an excellent start to her lacrosse career after her performances in the Millers' first two games. Barnett scored three goals in Noblesville's Saturday win over Avon, then added four goals when the Millers beat North Central on Wednesday, where Barnett is pictured here, along with Sidney Klinger (4). (Kent Graham)

The Noblesville girls lacrosse team is off to a blistering start this season, with two overwhelming victories in its first two games.
On Saturday, the Millers took care of Hoosier Crossroads Conference opponent Avon 18-0 at Beaver Materials Field. Ten different Noblesville players scored, with senior Sidney Klinger leading the way with four goals and four assists.
Freshman Chloe Barnett, playing in her first varsity game, scored three goals for a hat trick. Emma Potter made six draw controls, while Aubrey Arms and Isabelle Imes both picked up three ground balls.
The Millers kept the momentum going Wednesday night in another home game, sailing past North Central 20-0.
Noblesville scored three goals in the first three minutes of the game, with Brooke Miller, Potter and Barnett all putting the ball in the net. The Millers continued the torrid pace in the first half, going up 9-0 with 15 minutes left, and expanding that lead to 14-0 by halftime.
“We have a lot of senior leadership on this team, which is really great,” said Noblesville coach Veronica Mitchell. “Our first real game got canceled, so we were really looking forward to our game Saturday, and then tonight we came out again and just kept rolling with what we had. They’ve done a great job adjusting to a different style of play and just a lot.”
The Millers’ balance was on display again, as 13 different players scored. Barnett had four goals, with Miller, Potter, Klinger and Arms all scoring two. Noblesville had eight more players score one goal: Rheagan Haney, Nataley Blackburn, Emma Hammond, Marisha Woehler, Maya Hill, Tori Cook, Chaney Cornell and Lindsay Wilson.
“I think that’s going to be our biggest strength this year is just the all-around ability of everyone to just step up and do something different in every game,” said Mitchell. “It’s going to be really fun to watch. We have a lot of people who can put the ball in the back of the net and we also have a lot of people who do a really good job on the other side of the ball as well.”
Noblesville’s defense forced 15 turnovers and picked up 13 ground balls. Hammond had three draw controls, two ground balls and three forced turnovers.
“We’ve had two shutouts now, which is great,” said Mitchell. “We also are doing a good job of putting a lot of pressure on the balls it’s getting transitioned down to our defensive end. And they’re doing a good job of working together and making sure that we keep the ball in our possession as much as possible.”
The Millers’ junior varsity Gold team is also 2-0 for the season, beating Penn 9-1 on Saturday and North Central 14-0 on Wednesday. Against Penn, Lila Julian had two goals, Avery Pohlman gained five draw controls and Adi Terry had six saves and two ground balls as goalkeeper.
Against the Panthers, Lyrric Barnett scored three goals, while Bri Miller had two goals and two assists. Noblesville had 14 ground balls, with Maya Narsinghani collecting three.
The Millers’ JV Black team beat Penn’s other JV team 7-0 on Saturday. Kaelyn Seyfried contributed four goals and one assist, and Kyra Knight made two forced turnovers.
Noblesville will play at Hamilton Southeastern on Friday.