Noblesville family praises Hall as the best choice for Council

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Dear Editor:

We support Mark Hall as the clear best choice for Common Council.

Mark and his family embody what Noblesville is. He has, by far, the best combination of business, civic and volunteer experience of all the candidates. He has lived in Noblesville for over 30 years, raising his family here and now his grandchildren.

Over the years he has coached softball for hundreds of local girls helping many get to college that otherwise couldn’t have afforded it. We’ve watched his family quietly serve meals and donate countless hours to local charities. Most recently, he’s been chosen to lead Activate Indy and coach/serve alongside 10 of the most prominent charities in Central Indiana.

His family are longtime members of Harbour Shores Church and serve people in the area through several of the ministries at the Church. He serves on Charity Boards and for years his company has donated money and groceries to food related charities through “Feeding Families.”

Mark started his business in Noblesville and employs many people from our city. He runs a good size business that makes him the best qualified person to do this job; however, he still makes time to teach job and life skills to second chance citizens, to coach and volunteer. Unlike many running this election season who say that they care deeply and who say they put the people first, Mark has proven it time and time again over the years we have known him.

Knowing him personally, he would be the last person to tell you these things but we believe that it’s important for the voters to know the experience and character of the person we support. It’s an important choice this election.

For his experience, dedication and heart, we support Mark Hall as the clear best choice for the voters and we ask you to please join us in voting for Mark Hall for Noblesville City Council in District 1.


Casey and Ashley Arnold
