The Noblesville Creates (NC) and Hamilton East Public Library’s (HEPL) 12th annual Comic Book in Day Challenge, presented by Fishers Arts and Culture Commission and sponsored by Browning Day and Griffy’s Art Supply, is coming up in January 2025.
This year, the competition has exciting new features to allow artists of all ages from all over the world to compete at their best and have the most fun.
This year, the in-person and virtual versions of the competition will be held on different days. Additionally, the in-person competition will consist of two divisions: a four-hour competition for kids and a seven-hour competition for adults and teens. Challenge Artists of all ages and skill levels will have the opportunity to create a comic book entirely from scratch and compete for prizes.
This event will provide participants and visitors alike with access to expertise in many forms. The event will feature two Host artists – Erik Lundorf and Victor Dandridge – who are both comic book professionals and experts in coaching and teaching that will help contestants engage with each other and work through any creative challenges.

Graphic provided
The Comic Book in a Day Judges – Stuart Sayger, Gavin Smith, and Deon Parson (widely recognized by the pen name “Supr Dee”) – are three industry leaders who will be available all day to talk to contestants and guests, demonstrate drawing techniques, sell their artwork and prints, and review all of the submissions at the end of the event. Returning champion Joseph Haas will also be participating as a Judge and sharing his experience with competitors and visitors to the event.
Stuart Sayger is an internationally renowned comic book artist who has produced interiors and covers for Lego Bionicle, DC Comics, IDW, Dynamite, his own book, Shiver in the Dark, and many others. Supr Dee is an acclaimed Ringo-nominated syndicated newspaper cartoonist, illustrator, animator, educator, and public speaker from Indiana. Gavin Smith is an artist and writer from Indianapolis who’s worked on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Heartpiercer, Godzilla, Star Trek: the Mirror War, Heavy Metal Magazine, Ghost in the Shell, and Dead Legends.
Joseph Haas is the 2024 “Best Overall” award winner and a regular attendee of Comic Book in a Day, having participated in seven out of the 11 total competitions.
Signing up for the Challenge isn’t the only way to enjoy the event. Everyone is welcome to swing by at any time during the day to check out the action, meet and shop for cool artwork from the Featured Artists, and have a go at some fun comic-themed art activities.
See below for details on the individual competitions.
Zoom International Competition
Jan. 17, 2025
Friday, Jan. 17 will be the online competition held remotely via Zoom. Designed for aspiring adult pros, this new competition will provide a platform for the event to reach worldwide. Contestants will log in at 9 a.m. Eastern Time and stay connected to Zoom until 4 p.m. Eastern Time. All online artwork submissions are due at 4 p.m. and contestants will present their stories to one another starting at approximately 4:15 p.m.
For $50, contestants will receive drawing supplies, guidance and inspiration from Featured Artists, and a printed copy of their work in a Comic Book Anthology.
Click here to register.
Adult/Teen Division Competition
Jan. 18, 2025
Saturday, Jan. 18 will be the in-person competition held at the Ignite Studio at the Fishers library. The seven-hour Adult & Teen competition will kick off at 9 a.m. with a customary pep-talk and review of the rules. Contestants have until 4 p.m. to complete their story and turn in up to eight pages. Contestants will then present their stories to the assembly of judges and fellow artists starting around 4:30 p.m.
For $50, contestants will receive drawing supplies, guidance and inspiration from Featured Artists, and a printed copy of their work in a Comic Book Anthology.
Click here to register.
Youth Division Competition
Jan. 18, 2025
The four-hour Youth competition, for children 12 years and younger, will kick off Saturday, Jan. 18 at 10:30 a.m. and contestants will have until 2:30 p.m. to complete their story and turn in up to four pages. Contestants in the youth division will present their stories to the judges and fellow competitors starting around 3 p.m.
For $30, contestants will receive drawing supplies, guidance and inspiration from Featured Artists, and a printed copy of their work in a Comic Book Anthology.
Click here to register.
The artwork produced during the in-person competitions will be displayed at the Ignite Studio. Each page will be scanned, along with the submissions from the online competition, and printed in a trade-paperback style comic book. Each registered contestant will receive a copy of a printed book with their artwork included once it is finished.
Awards Ceremony
Jan. 22, 2025
While the Featured Artists/Judges will each award one prize at the end of Comic Day in a Day Challenge, the top awards will be presented at the Awards Program. This program will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22 at the Ignite Studio in the Fishers Public Library.
This free event is open to contestants, friends, and the public.
Comic Book in a Day Workshops
Prior to the competitions, NC and HEPL will offer a series of workshops to prepare for the Challenge and/or to celebrate individuals’ love of comics. These workshops are free and will be held at the Ignite Studio at the Fishers Library from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Participation in the Challenge is not required to attend these workshops.
- Thursday, Jan. 9, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.: Instructor: Stuart Sayger. How to Start Your Comic Book: This workshop will help you develop your story in words and pictures, reviewing the basic building blocks of comic books. Click here to register.
- Tuesday, Jan. 14: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Instructor: Bill Wilkison. Great Comic Book Storytelling: If you are a fan of comics or are looking to make your own book, this workshop will explore aspects of what makes sequential art so great. Click here to register. Registration opens Dec. 30, 2024.
- Thursday, Jan. 16: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Instructor: Erik Lundorf. Advanced Comic Books: A professional comic book artist will reveal tips and tricks to enhance your sequential art skills just in time for Comic Book in a Day or just for fun. Click here to register. Registration opens Jan. 1, 2025.
To learn more about Comic Book in a Day 2025, visit