Noblesville considers Firestone property for new PD

If approved, a new 40,000-square-foot Noblesville Police Department headquarters would be built at the site of the former Firestone plant, which has been vacant for eight years. (Photo provided by 4th Hawk Consulting)


Noblesville officials confirmed Friday the city is considering building a new police department on the grounds of the former Firestone plant located near 18th and Division streets. “The city has looked at multiple potential sites for a new police station over the years. What makes Firestone attractive is its location and the opportunity to redevelop the area, which we think will lead to other improvements,” stated Noblesville Public Affairs Manager Robert Herrington.

The former Firestone plant, which has been vacant for the past eight years, was just recently the focus of an extensive investigation by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Herrington confirmed Noblesville and Bridgestone Americas Inc., the current owner of the property, have been in negotiations. “We have had discussions with Bridgestone about the area. We also held a joint public information session with them in May about ways we can use the site and redevelop it.”

Due to concerns of contamination, the construction of a new police department would need to occur on top of the existing cement slab. “We would not construct anything unless we were certain that it would be safe. Based on Firestone’s testing, as long as we’re building on top of that barrier and not down into the ground, and we’re not tapping into the groundwater for drinking water, then there is no danger for our public safety personnel and the public. It’s been reported to the city that additional, limited soil testing is still needed before a final determination can be made on the specific uses for the various Firestone sites. But all indications so far are positive that these uses would be approved,” said Herrington.

After working with a consultant the city estimates a cost of $13.6 million to $14.1 million to build a 40,000-square-foot police headquarters. Herrington indicated the Noblesville City Controller plans to analyze long-term financing to see if some of the existing revenue streams could be used to help with financing the project. “All options to fund the project will be considered to ensure the best value is realized for our taxpayers.”

Currently the Noblesville Police Department has 95 employees working in 14,340 square feet, a space that was configured for 32. The city estimates current needs are 25,500 square feet and is expected to need 42,000 square feet by the year 2023.