City of Noblesville employees from the Street, Planning, Utilities, Parks, and Engineering departments recently participated in “Stop the Bleed” training through the Hamilton County Health Department. The city also acquired “Stop the Bleed” kits through an initiative grant from the Hamilton County Health Department.
“We are grateful to the Hamilton County Health Department for awarding the City of Noblesville ‘Stop the Bleed’ kits and providing life-saving bleeding control techniques to aid in a variety of situations,” Noblesville Human Resources Director Holly Ramon said. “Keeping city employees trained and prepared for emergency situations is critical for resident and employee safety. This training can also be applicable in their day-to-day lives and could be the difference in saving a life.”
The “Stop the Bleed” program was created by the American College of Surgeons. Participants learn how to how to provide direct pressure to a bleeding wound, how to pack a bleeding wound, and how to apply a tourniquet – providing confidence to jump into action in situations where seconds matter. This type of training is important for city employees whose responsibilities throughout the community can at times encounter risks and hazards that involve the need for assistance.

“A ‘Stop the Bleed’ course is something everyone should consider taking because it provides the tools to handle an emergency and potentially save someone’s life,” Hamilton County Health Department Health Education Specialist Jim Ginder said. “You never know if you are at work, home, or in the car when you may need to use the skills learned in the course to save a person from bleeding to death.”
For more information about Stop the Bleed and other programs/training offered by the Hamilton County Health Department, visit