Noblesville Chamber of Commerce is your best resource for growing

Dear Editor:

We have all heard the cliché “time flies when you are having fun,” so apparently I have been having a great deal of fun since I retired five years ago in February 2014 after 14 years as the President/CEO of the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce, as the time has flown by.

But enough about me! I am writing this to remind Noblesville residents and particularly Noblesville area businesses that the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce is your best resource for growing and retaining your customer base. Oh, I know that technology and social media have enabled businesses of every size to expand their customer base and connect with potential customers, of course. However, I am old-fashioned enough (and, sigh, old enough…) to believe that personal, in-your-face contact also has its rewards. Fortunately the Noblesville Chamber provides its members with the best of both worlds through its events, outreach and ongoing business education opportunities and services.

Upon retiring from the Chamber, I felt like the proverbial “mother hen” worrying about her chicks! I hoped (and prayed, actually) that a person would be found who had experience, energy, knowledge and foresight to lead the Chamber through upgrades, changes and new programs.

And guess what – it happened!

Bob DuBois, the current President/CEO of the Chamber arrived from the East Coast with all of those attributes and more! Bob and staff member Mary Noble, Director of Member Engagement, work tirelessly to serve Chamber members and foster economic prosperity in our community. Find out more about the Chamber at

The Noblesville Chamber of Commerce was first established in 1935, the first such Chamber in Hamilton County, building on a legacy of historical importance. The oldest commercial organization in the United States was the Chamber of Commerce established in 1768 in New York City – eight years before the Declaration of Independence was signed. That legacy was built upon the first merchants association formed in Marseilles, France in the 16th century. (Sometimes a history major just can’t let go!)

Business owners and managers: I encourage you to not only join the Noblesville Chamber, but get involved through Chamber events which will enable you to get to know your fellow business professionals in the Noblesville area and beyond. We learn and grow from our relationships with others and I know that you will see great advantage to your membership and make friends along the way.

From the largest facility to the small, home-based business, the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce is there for you. Congratulations to Bob, Mary, board of directors and volunteers of the Chamber who make it all happen.

And remember, fellow “Boomers” – don’t just reTIRE … reWire!

Sharon McMahon



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