Noblesville, Carmel & Westfield Lions assist Gleaners in December

Photo provided by Jake Doll, Noblesville Lions Club

On Tuesday, Dec. 3, Noblesville (NLC), Carmel (CLC) and Westfield (WLC) Lions Clubs helped Gleaners Distribute food to over 180 families at Grand Park in Westfield. Fourteen volunteers from the three clubs braved the cold temperatures to hand out the food. (From left) Lions Duke Miller (NLC), Bob Yunker (CLC), Bill Ryan (CLC), Scott Willis (NLC), Joe Connerley (NLC), Jerry Baker (NLC) Mark Hallett (WLC) Carrie Larrison (WLC), Bill Nesbitt (WLC), Gary Smith (WLC), and Bruce Moss (NLC).  Not pictured: Matt Best (CLC), Larry Jacobi (NLC), and Marianne Jacobi (NLC).