Noblesville & Carmel Lions help Gleaners in November

Photo provided by Jake Doll, Noblesville Lions Club

Last Tuesday, Nov. 12, the Noblesville and Carmel Lions Clubs served 169 families or roughly 680 people at Grand Park in Westfield with food, courtesy of Gleaners.

(ABOVE) Lions from the Carmel Club included Paul Cardinal, Bill Ryan, Betty Yunker, Jason Randlett and Bob Yunker. Lions from the Noblesville Club were Bruce Moss, Jerry Baker, Jeff Kozicki, Rollin Cutter, Steve Shaw, John Einsfeld, Ron Williamson, Linda Williamson, Larry Jacobi, Maryanne Jacobi. More from the Carmel Club were Mark Hallett, Linda Hallett, Norm Steele, Christal Steele, Don Collins, and Jim Kagler. Not pictured was Carrie Larrison.