Last Thursday, the Noblesville and Carmel Lions helped Gleaners feed approximately 400 families. They served 183 cars to reach that number of families. This service is done monthly from the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds. (From left) Betty Yonker (Carmel), Matt Best (Carmel), Bob Yonker (Carmel), Jerry Baker (Noblesville), Bill Ryan (Carmel), Mark Bachar (Noblesville), Ed Shea (Noblesville), Ron Williamson (Noblesville), Jeff Kozicki (Noblesville), Lane Sims (Carmel), Gene Beck (Noblesville), Carole Miller (wife of Noblesville Lion), Duke Miller (Noblesville), and Steve Shaw (Noblesville).
Noblesville & Carmel Lions help Gleaners feed 400 families