Noblesville announces second round of Small Business Resilience Grant funding

Small businesses could get up to $10,000 per grant

Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen on Tuesday announced a second round of the Noblesville Small Business Resilience Grant program. Up to $10,000 per grant will again be provided to small businesses that have been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The grant is focused on helping small businesses with unmet immediate needs such as maintaining payroll, paying rent and utilities, and covering other expenses, including personal protective equipment (PPE) to remain operational and serve customers and clients. Businesses are eligible for up to $10,000 per grant based on the demonstrated need.

If a business received funding in the first round of funding in early 2020, they are eligible for up to $5,000 in this second phase of grant funding. New businesses within their first year of operation are also eligible for up to $5,000 in grant funding.


“When we announced this program in the spring at the beginning of the pandemic, we were convinced that short-term assistance was needed to help our business community navigate the various challenges that came from shutdown orders and other public health risks and safety measures,” Jensen said. “We know that small businesses are a crucial part of our community and that they make vital contributions to our local economy and culture. We want to see them succeed here in Noblesville, and we hope that with a second round of financial assistance and support for the community and other sources, they will be able to get through this challenging time and emerge in a position where they can grow their operations and impact going forward.”

The deadline to submit applications is at 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 8. The Noblesville Small Business Resilience Grant application and eligibility requirements are available at


“Small businesses are essential to economic development and growth in Noblesville and we appreciate the City stepping up once again to aid our local businesses,” said Bob DuBois, president of the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen a number of businesses have to temporarily close recently because of positive cases or close contacts with their employees. We commend them for making the right public health decision but know how that can negatively affect their bottom line. The second round of the Noblesville Small Business Resilience Grants shows how much city leadership values the owners, employees, and customers of these local businesses and will provide them with vital resources so they can continue to serve our community.”

In April, Jensen recommended that the City Council appropriate $250,000 out of the city’s Rainy Day Fund to provide resilience grants to small businesses. After Council appropriated the funds, 46 grants were provided to local businesses, helping to retain or revive more than 75 full-time and 100-part time local jobs.

Jensen said he remains committed to keeping residents safe while at the same time reinvesting in the local economy to promote small business growth and economic development in the community.