Noah Herron announces run for Westfield City Council

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Dear Editor:


I am proud to announce my intent to run as a Republican Candidate for District 5 City Council of Westfield. For the past decade I have been a proud business owner, leader and community volunteer in Westfield. Now, as an extension of that commitment to our community, I am running for public office.

I want to make a difference and make Westfield a better place for all residents. Like you, I want to see our city continue to grow and prosper. Getting involved at the local level of politics is about the desire to improve things like communication, economic vitality, community identity and effective management of our resources. I believe that public service is a responsibility we all share, and we should all be willing to contribute our time and proficiencies toward the betterment of the community in which we live.

As a businessman and parent, not a politician, I will bring a fresh, positive, and creative mindset to the Council, and through my work, help the city move forward on a better path. My commitment is to serve the citizens of our great city and contribute to its prosperity. With better management of our city’s resources, we can improve our infrastructure, public safety, and amenities throughout Westfield.

We need balanced leaders who work together, who communicate, and who have a better vision for Westfield. If elected, I would work to bring new ideas, new plans, and new growth to Westfield. We need innovative ideas that will help shape the future of Westfield for the next generation. Now is the time for change in Westfield – we are growing fast and we need solid leadership that can give vision for future growth.

Herron’s Bio

My wife Emily and I moved to Westfield over 10 years ago. Both of our children were born here in Westfield and currently go to Oak Trace elementary school. You will often see us biking on the Monon, at our children’s sporting events and going out to dinner around Westfield!

In 2006 I graduated with a Biochemistry degree from Indiana University. After college I worked at Eli Lilly until starting my first business called Urban Farmer Seeds in 2009. About six years ago we decided to start a winery in Westfield, called Urban Vines. Most recently we started work on Urban Apples, a 25 acre cidery near Grand Park sports complex.

We absolutely love the City of Westfield and want to do whatever we can do to help keep Westfield a great place to live. Currently Emily and I are involved in several organizations around Westfield. We volunteer at Student Impact, PTO, Girl Scouts, HOA President, All Pro Dad and enjoy coaching Indiana Fire soccer. Soon I hope to serve Westfield as a City Council member.

Noah Herron

Learn more about the candidate at You can email and connect at